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Association of Independent Spiritual Churches

Phone Consultation

You may check Deacon Millett's schedule and make an appointment by selecting BOOK NOW at right. 15, 30, 45, and 60 minute reading lengths are available, and may include practical advice, spiritual discernment, and use of the cards -- just let Deacon know what you want! Photos for psychometric evaluations are invaluable, so please provide pictures of those involved before your call. Check his calendar for dates and times.

Email Card Reading

The classic ten-card Celtic Cross spread, but using the Secret Dakini Oracle deck. Past, Present, Future for the situation of your choosing. Your question and photo, plus any details you believe to be pertinent, should be provided.

Email Reading + Deacon's Choice Vigil Candle Service

This is what was previously called the "Deacon Millett Laryngitis Special," created when I could not do phone readings! It combines an email reading with a vigil candle chosen expressly for you and your unique situation.

Email Astrology Futures Package

Both your natal horoscope AND your next year of planetary transits are provided in this report, which can be over 100 pages long. A must for planning your day-to-day affairs in love and business.

Email Astrology Couples Package

No close relationship should go without this detailed interpersonal report. You will receive natal charts and horoscopes on each of you individually, plus your combined charts showing planetary interactions and house placements (if birthtime is provided). This is the renowned "instruction manual for your relationship" which reveals how to make any romance, friendship, or business partnership run smoothly.

Deacon Millett's Calendar
book now

Email Astrology & Card Readings


Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary can be found on the world wide web at

Deacon Millett